Cabinet of Curiosities (Final Piece)

January 28, 2014 § Leave a comment


I have chosen this earlier piece as my final piece. I think this is the best outcome I produced for this project, showing personal items and details “leaking” into the real world in a subtle yet obvious way. If I were to take this further I would try to display it large scale on a blank wall with the objects on the outside of the phone’s screen being projected on around it. The projection would represent the objects spilling into the real world, and the objects in the screen would represent those locked safely in the phone. This is an idea i tried to represent in older pieces by making the objects outside the screen more opaque.

Cabinet of Curiosities

January 19, 2014 § Leave a comment

cabinetP1030496  P1030497 P1030498 P1030499 P1030500 P1030501 P1030502 P1030503 P1030504 P1030505 P1030506 P1030508 P1030509 P1030510 tvmoney phonemoney

In these last two pieces I use £10 notes to create the tessellation. This was done using Adobe Photoshop.

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