Streetgraphic Final

November 10, 2013 § Leave a comment

While i progressed my project to the point of looking at galaxies and eyes, i feel that none of the work that this resulted in were quite as effective as the three below.

inkhudd inkskip inklondon

The way the straight edges contrasted the ink blooms results in what i think are three effective pieces. They encapsulate the clean and ordered structure of buildings and inner city urban areas whilst also containing that element of change and progression through the ink explosion. While that is shown in later pieces i feel these did it best, which is why I have picked them as my final pieces to reflect on the whole project. In future projects I feel I need to progress more ideas, although overall I think this project has been successful in creating interesting outcomes and pieces of work.


November 10, 2013 § Leave a comment

These pictures show the human eye in various conditions, including cataracts and an eye tumor.

slide19 05_b eye-cancer_0

These eyes are misshapen, which gave me the idea to merge different kinds of shapes and structures into the overall structure of an eye in the sketch below.


I attempted to replicate the structured nature of a city as well as the fluid, random nature of the ink blooms in this piece. In the piece below i carried this idea further by literally merging them together.


Using the same technique as before i merged the city, ink bloom, nebula and the eye together to form this piece, resembling an eye but with different segments to it.


November 10, 2013 § Leave a comment

I also looked at the Helix nebula.


This very much resembles the human eye, which in itself is an ‘explosion-like’ structure.


Human eyes often resemble galaxies and nebulas, they also have a kind of string-like structure to them much like a spider’s web, specifically in the iris. This links back to Ladislav Sutnar’s piece, however with less of the straight, clean cut lines.


November 10, 2013 § Leave a comment


I began drawing more parallels, looking at the Crab nebula, the result of a star post supernova explosion, and the Andromeda galaxy. I thought these were very interesting and linked with my project well, so i used one to create the piece below.


Using the same technique as before i merged a part of Huddersfield into the centre of the Crab nebula, creating the look as if the city were breaking away on all sides. Like the previous pieces, i feel that the ordered city creates a nice contrast to the shapes created by the nebula.


November 10, 2013 § Leave a comment

This piece is by Ladislav Sutnar, created for the cover of ‘Fortune’ magazine July 1946.

ladislav sutnar

This is a much more clean representation of an explosion, with perfectly straight lines sprouting out from the centre going to various different locations on different segments of a map. This links with the repetitive, ordered structure of many buildings and also the scaffolding that encapsulates them in a state of change. I sketched the piece below in relation to this, taking inspiration from Sutnar’s straight lines and repetitive structure.


I could possibly use the cleaner nature of this to contrast the wildly fluid shapes created by the ink blooms in future experimentation.


Street graphic research/experimentation

October 24, 2013 § Leave a comment

Here i’m looking at satellite images of different cities and towns, specifically Google Earth, the idea being that these places resemble explosions from above. The centre being the most dense and the way it thins out the further outwards it progresses.







I had the idea to merge these images with the pictures of the ink blooms, giving the effect as if the city were melting away and expanding at the same time.

inkhudd inklondon inkskip

These are initial experiments, but even so i like the way the straight edge border contrasts the way the picture melts outwards from specific points. I created these in adobe photoshop, using a black and white filter to make it all look like black ink and to easily blend the two together properly.

Street graphic project research part 2

October 24, 2013 § 1 Comment

On the idea of change and progression, along with destruction, i decided to look at the work of Cornelia Parker. She would create installations that resembled explosions with different objects fragmenting apart from each other.

Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View 1991 by Cornelia Parker born 1956 cornelia3

In the piece above, she actual had a shed blown apart and reassembled the pieces into these hanged explosion-like structures, trying to recapture the look of the actual explosion in still form. These pieces reminded me of some research experimentation i had done on a previous project, specifically this was dripping ink in water and photographing the way it blooms.

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Street graphic project research

October 24, 2013 § Leave a comment

I started out with the idea of how a city grows and progresses, looking at how buildings change, either being torn down, built up, or reconstructed. To gain inspiration i went out and took picture of construction sites in huddersfield.

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These construction sites reminded me of the work of Lebbeus Woods, an artist who often took repetitive buildings and structures and put a spin on them, adding wacky shapes and forms that interrupt the structure, often giving it the look of being deconstructed or destroyed.

lebbeuswoods1 woods2 woods5

Lebbeus Woods

Streetgraphic Mind Map

October 23, 2013 § Leave a comment


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