Digital Type Final

May 5, 2014 § Leave a comment

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This is the digital version of my final type, I created it in Adobe Illustrator by tracing scanned images of my type drawn on graph paper.

Typography Final

March 2, 2014 § Leave a comment




This is my final outcome properly drawn up on graph paper. Overall I am pleased with this as I think it works quite well, maintaining the “sci-fi” aesthetic throughout.

Typography Development

March 2, 2014 § Leave a comment


I have chosen the “sci-fi” typeface to develop into a final piece as I think it’s the best of my ideas. Here I am tweaking some of the letters I didn’t think were quite as good as the others. After speaking with a tutor about this I am going to further refine the final version on graph paper, making sure the thickness of the lines and shapes are consistent across every letter.

Typography Idea #2

March 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

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These pieces are the work of Colin Ardley, who, as you can see, uses many various pieces of wood put together in a seemingly random way. I thought his work was quite effective so I took inspiration from it for my second idea below.

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I tried to present each letter in much the same way as Ardley’s work, which I think worked quite well. As with the first idea, below I have neatly drawn out the word “word” using this idea.


Typography Idea #1

March 2, 2014 § Leave a comment



These pieces are concept art for a video game called “Deus Ex: Human Revolution”, the artist’s name is Richard Dumont. It was set in a sci-fi, cyberpunk “Blade Runner”-esque setting, which the concept art presents very well. I chose this as inspiration for the typeface idea below.

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I’ve tried to get the same sci-fi cyberpunk-ish look as the concept work above, with the angular straight lines that feature quite heavily in those pieces. I also used the individual repeated lines to resemble scan lines much like the neon signs and lights that are often used in cyberpunk. Below I have neatly drawn out the word “word” using this idea.


Typography Workshop initial sketches

March 2, 2014 § Leave a comment


Lebbeus Woods




For these initial sketches I based them off work I had previously studied, specifically Lebbeus Woods and the Notan design concept. The top row being inspired by Notan, with empty space making up the actual letter. The rest of these ideas were inspired by Lebbeus Woods’ work, I tried to make them resemble cracked glass or crumbling rock. Other than the Notan idea, I don’t think these were particularly effective, so i’m going to explore some more ideas.

Caine’s Arcade Challenge final

December 5, 2013 § Leave a comment

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I think this is a successful outcome involving interaction and intrigue. I looked at various different ways of lighting it, using it to create a silhouette with certain windows cut out to give the look of them being switched on, which I think was very effective.


Caine’s Arcade Challenge

December 5, 2013 § Leave a comment

We were tasked to create something playful and intriguing in the space of 2 weeks in this workshop. Working in a group of two, we created a pop city scape.

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(work in progress)

Magazine layout development (final layout plan)

November 11, 2013 § Leave a comment


Story magazine layout initial ideas

November 11, 2013 § Leave a comment

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