
January 18, 2016 § Leave a comment

I decided to experiment a little to get an idea what my project may end up looking like, so I started out creating some basic illustrations for a few of the people who show up in my timeline. I then put them into after effects and created a small “info motion graphic” style animation out of them.

corbyn kimjongun putin

I think the outcome is quite effective, and though I like the overall look of this, I’m going to try develop some other styles as well.


Fictional Timeline of Events – 1st Draft

January 15, 2016 § Leave a comment

May 2020 – Corbyn wins election.

June 2020 – Certain members of his cabinet continue to heavily oppose his push for nuclear disarmament, so he replaces them with people who share his views.

July 2020 – Corbyn successfully terminates the Trident programme.

August 2020 – America, under Donald Trump’s leadership, has significantly fallen from grace over the years, the USA becoming progressively insignificant as a world power, and the average quality of life for American citizens having fallen lower than that of China. Trump makes a speech vowing to restore the USA’s former glory.

September 2020 – China and Russia make a deal to combine their resources in the new space-race to mars, with the end result of populating and sharing ownership of the planet. Trump is very displeased by this, and the USA is in no shape to really put up a fight in this race. NASA is all but gone and America just doesn’t have the resources to bring it back.

October 2020 – MI5 informs Corbyn of some ominous American troop movements, as well as the US embassy in Moscow being deserted. Trump seems to be making preparations to fire nuclear weapons. Corbyn decides to call up the president, it doesn’t go well.

November 2020 – America nukes the 3 largest Russian cities, Moscow, St Petersburg, and Novosibirsk.

December 2020 – Russia retaliates, annihilating the east coast of the USA with nukes of their own, Washington and New York are in ruins. Most of the world don’t want to get involved, those that do ally with Russia in this war (China and North Korea(Kim Jong Un is desperate to convince the world that him and his country is not a laughing matter, and is to be taken seriously and respected)). Vladimir Putin, who has been hiding out at an undisclosed location, gets in touch with Corbyn. He has learned intel of where Trump is hiding, and has realised that the UK’s SAS is better situated and equipped to assassinate him. Corbyn is very reluctant to get involved in this mess, but he’s been given an opportunity to end it, so he agrees.

January 2021 – Operation EPOCH (the operation to assassinate Donald Trump) is a success, and marks the end of the war. American troops, carriers and submarines make a rapid retreat from Russian waters. The USA is a mess, rebuilding is going to take an extremely long time (if it happens at all) since they are getting minimal support from other countries. Russia is fairing much better. Putin thanks Corbyn for his support.

February 2021 – Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping hold a secret discussion. They are very anti-west, and want to put an end to western super power. With the USA in ruins, and the UK defenceless after disarming itself of nuclear weapons, Putin sees an opportunity. They all agree to go ahead with an invasion of the UK.

March 2021 – Putin publicly announces this plan, this sends Corbyn and the UK into a state of shock. A large portion of the population decide to leave the country. Corbyn sees no choice but to surrender, faced with the immense power of Russia and China.

April 2021 – The invasion begins, with little to no resistance. Those that do try to resist are killed immediately. Corbyn decides to abandon ship, deciding to take himself and his family to Australia. Putin isn’t bothered enough to go after him, Kim Jong seems eager however…

Info Motion Graphics

January 15, 2016 § Leave a comment

You see a lot of these getting made these days, nicely animated videos raising awareness on a subject, explaining points view, and generally providing an entertaining way to inform people. I’m thinking I could do something similar for my timeline as I generally enjoy how these videos are presented. It strikes as something that would work well with a somewhat tongue-in-cheek, not entirely realistic, timeline of events. I’ve linked a couple examples of these motion graphic videos below.

Channel 4 Newswall – 6 Week Progression

January 7, 2016 § Leave a comment

Every few days from the 13th of October to the 27th of November 2015 I took short clips of the latest posts on the newswall. I chose to present these in a video timeline, showing how I may be able to present my own timeline.

Corbyn and Russia

January 7, 2016 § Leave a comment


“Russia would welcome Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, a key associate linked to the Russian foreign ministry has said.”

Jeremy Corbyn has said that he would like to form a closer relationship between Britain and Russia, saying this:
“What is security? Is security the ability to bomb, maim, kill, destroy, or is security the ability to get on with other people and have some kind of respectful existence with them?”
Britain becoming closer allies with Russia is interesting due to how notoriously “anti-west” Russia currently is, and may spark some interesting (hypothetical) scenarios I could present in my timeline. I haven’t decided whether I want to aim for realism in my timeline of events, or unrealistic and possibly comedic. I’m leaning towards the latter, but I also want to make sure it still makes at least a little sense in relation to Corbyn’s personality and policies today.


October 4, 2015 § Leave a comment

Since I want my project to be a timeline, it’s worth looking at a couple examples.


This is an image of channel 4’s newswall, a website that launched back in April this year. It is constantly updated with bulletin-like gif images covering current stories and events. It’s made to appeal to a younger crowd given it’s snappy and comical nature.


10×10 does something similar, though unlike the newswall it is completely autonomous. “Every hour, 10×10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time.” It was launched back in 2004 and appears to have recently stopped updating as of September 13th this year.×10.html

Jeremy Corbyn

October 3, 2015 § Leave a comment


– Left wing.

– Vegan. (Corbyn himself is a vegetarian and has been for almost 50 years. “I became one at 20 when I was working in a pig farm,” he has previously said. “I got attached to the pigs.”)–Wk35Qn7uIl

– Anti austerity. (against budget cuts and tax increases)

– Higher taxes for the rich and more protection for those on welfare.

– A crackdown on tax evasion.

– Quantitive easing to fund large scale projects, to create more jobs and apprenticeships.

– Anti nuclear weaponry, the Trident nuclear missile system would be scrapped.

– Anti monarchy, though isn’t interested in getting rid of the royals family immediately, “It’s not the fight I’m going to fight: it’s not the fight I’m interested in.”

– Renationalise the railway and energy companies.

– Prohibit fracking, he says it is “dangerous to the environment”

– Wants to make the labour party more inclusive, “He would ensure half of his shadow cabinet were women.”

– Against military solutions, for political solutions to ensure peace. Would look to withdraw from NATO and is opposed to air strikes against the “islamic state”.


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