Rebrand – Final Logo

June 30, 2015 § Leave a comment


calamity jane


I decided to choose this as my final logo, the top one being the primary logo for large display as the design uses a rough paper texture instead of solid white or black. I am pleased with this outcome and feel that I have successfully captured a classy, 19th century tone with the wrought iron design. I restricted the colour palette to black and white to be in-keeping with this tone. The chosen typeface is called “Calamity Jane”, and it was chosen to match with the logo itself, so it needed to look classy and old, but also legible.

Rebrand – Logo Development

June 30, 2015 § Leave a comment


peat contemporary art nouveau gates 10



Using the wrought iron aesthetic is much more in line with what I want the rebrand to be. It looks ornate, classy and expensive, and I feel that this goes hand in hand with snooker, which is typically quite slow and subdued. I decided to keep the 8 ball as the basis of the logo, and I think it works well. I think that the majority of the club’s current consumer base would greatly appreciate this aesthetic, and it would also serve to attract more customers.

Rebrand – applied outcome development

June 30, 2015 § Leave a comment




A quick logo mock up based on the initial ideas, and some applied examples of it. Printing on table felts and pint glasses are a couple ideas for applied outcomes. Since the club has a bar and also serves food, I could possibly look at napkins and tablecloths. Drink-mats and cue chalk covers are a couple more I will likely develop.


Rebrand – Logo Ideas

June 30, 2015 § Leave a comment



For my logo I decided to make use of the 8 ball as it is quite iconic, and links heavily with pool and snooker. These ideas were drawn with the steam punk aesthetic in mind, featuring cogs and exhaust pipes. Wrought iron is also something I am going to look at in developing my idea, to explain the couple doodles on the second page. Wrought iron gates usually have quite a classy, old, art nouveau look to them, and I think something like that may capture better what I am trying to go for with this rebrand.

Huddersfield Rebrand – Research

June 30, 2015 § Leave a comment


For this project we were asked to choose an independent business somewhere in Huddersfield, and propose a rebrand for it.  After exploring the town centre of Huddersfield for a while, our group came across this snooker hall. My group and I liked the idea of rebranding a snooker hall, as it was something a little different than the typical choice of a restaurant/cafe.


I have decided to take my rebrand in a steam punk direction. Snooker is quite an old game, and can be seen as quite prestigious and classy. I want my rebrand aesthetic to reflect that. The Top Spot Snooker website says that the club has a strong student consumer base, which is a little different to what you’d expect being that it’s a snooker hall, but since it is located next to the university this does make sense. Given this information I think a classier aesthetic is the perfect choice. Young students and other customers alike would appreciate it more, and it wouldn’t serve to drive any existing customers away.

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