Typography Final – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


I chose this design as I felt it was the most applicable to the array of different letters, and therefore had the most potential. I called it “FADE” as a reference to the design itself, with each layer going from top to bottom being progressively more thin. I am pleased with this outcome, though I do think there is plenty room for improvement and I may develop it further at some point.

Typography Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


We were tasked with thinking of a phrase (restricted 16 character A4 grid), and sketching out that phrase with typeface ideas. I couldn’t really think of anything fancy for the phrase, so I went with “something dumb” in place of it, because honestly, it would’ve probably just been something dumb. Some of these ideas I like a lot more than others, the ‘S’, ‘O’, ‘T’ and ‘G’ I think are the best, though some more thought is required in regards to which of these I will choose to develop.

Cereal Packaging Physical – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


Cereal Packaging Final – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


I used illustrator to create the final design of the piranha mascot.


I am fairly happy with this design, though it could definitely be improved. The tail and the back of the box in general could use something more…

Cereal Packaging Mascot Idea – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


Infographic After Effects Tutorial

June 4, 2015 § Leave a comment

For this tutorial we were tasked with creating an animation for an infographic featuring various statistics about Huddersfield. I chose the “average broadband speed” statistic. I created a basic wifi symbol in illustrator, with each part on a separate layer so that I could animate it when brought into after effects. For all the text in my animation I wanted to keep it fairly dynamic, so I used black bars which would empty and fill to reveal the text. We were instructed on how to create a simple transition to use at the start and end of our animations so that they could flow into each other easily. The transition is a fast moving wipe effect, simple but effective.


I found this task fairly straightforward as it utilized a lot of what I’d already learned from using after effects. As a result I feel it was a successful outcome.


After Effects Scene Animation Tutorial

June 3, 2015 § Leave a comment

Here we were shown how to animate a scene using techniques I had never tried before, so I found it quite interesting. It involved making use of the camera and 3D space, meaning it was important to use separate layers. I created a basic mountainous landscape, using a variety of textures for certain layers, as instructed.


The animation has the camera slowly zoom out, with certain layers seeming to “unfold” as the camera pulls back. This is a page turn effect, and adds some life to an otherwise fairly static animation. Making the camera and layers function properly in the 3D space was awkward at first, but I got there in the end and I’m fairly pleased with the result.


E4 Sting Part 3

November 28, 2014 § Leave a comment


Here I made my own design idea in Cinema4D, creating the armchair and updated the colours. I feel This outcome works quite well, though could easily be refined and improved.

After Effects Tutorial – Rotoscoping

November 21, 2014 § Leave a comment

In this tutorial we were shown how to rotoscope, which is a long and repetitive, but fairly simple process and commonly outsourced to multiple people. The purpose is to create an animation out of a video, and for mine I chose a man doing a backflip, however due to time constraints I only got the first several frames done in the lesson.


To do this we use the pen tool to outline what we want to be rotoscoped, in this case I outlined the man. We outlined every other frame and held these frames for the next 1 frame (skipping unused frames).

tutsroto tutsroto2

This was the first time I tried this, though at this point I am fairly familiar with After Effects so I found it quite straight forward.

E4 Sting – Cinema4D

October 23, 2014 § Leave a comment

Here I created a simple poster in Cinema4D, featuring light sources, the E4 logo which was supplied to us, and my chosen strap line.


This tutorial covered mainly the basics to creating a 3d poster in Cinema4D, and it all seemed fairly straight forward for me. The rendered output is shown below.


As a first attempt at this I am pleased with the result.

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