Typography Final – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


I chose this design as I felt it was the most applicable to the array of different letters, and therefore had the most potential. I called it “FADE” as a reference to the design itself, with each layer going from top to bottom being progressively more thin. I am pleased with this outcome, though I do think there is plenty room for improvement and I may develop it further at some point.

Typography Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


We were tasked with thinking of a phrase (restricted 16 character A4 grid), and sketching out that phrase with typeface ideas. I couldn’t really think of anything fancy for the phrase, so I went with “something dumb” in place of it, because honestly, it would’ve probably just been something dumb. Some of these ideas I like a lot more than others, the ‘S’, ‘O’, ‘T’ and ‘G’ I think are the best, though some more thought is required in regards to which of these I will choose to develop.

Cereal Packaging Physical – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


Cereal Packaging Final – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


I used illustrator to create the final design of the piranha mascot.


I am fairly happy with this design, though it could definitely be improved. The tail and the back of the box in general could use something more…

Cereal Packaging Mascot Idea – Workshop

July 10, 2015 § Leave a comment


E4 Sting Part 3

November 28, 2014 § Leave a comment


Here I made my own design idea in Cinema4D, creating the armchair and updated the colours. I feel This outcome works quite well, though could easily be refined and improved.

E4 Sting – Cinema4D

October 23, 2014 § Leave a comment

Here I created a simple poster in Cinema4D, featuring light sources, the E4 logo which was supplied to us, and my chosen strap line.


This tutorial covered mainly the basics to creating a 3d poster in Cinema4D, and it all seemed fairly straight forward for me. The rendered output is shown below.


As a first attempt at this I am pleased with the result.

E4 Sting Ideas

October 3, 2014 § Leave a comment


We were given the task to create a promotional poster for the TV channel E4, the image below shows my initial ideas for the strap line and the poster itself.


I am going to develop the “Enjoy Your Stay!” poster as I feel it is the best of my ideas.


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